Working the land


Responsible Agriculture

We work the land, carrying on the labour of farmers, in the calm of volcanic hills, following the model of responsible agriculture.

We do not use any chemical products at any stage of the process, thanks to the work we do with universities and research centres.  

We think of our daughter Marta, for whom we decided to go beyond: respecting traditions, putting cutting-edge research into practice.

We use what nature provides us to ensure land that is whole, beautiful, strong, and above all, clean.

The Olive Groves

We work with the olives of the Itrana cultivar variety, part of the identity of our territory, which produce a slightly bitter, pungent oil capable of surprising and embodying the proud character of our hills.

The Vines

Cesanese, Greco Moro, Nero Buono, and Bellone are the four types of grapes we cultivate and harvest exclusively by hand. Strong and beautiful, our vineyards are healthy because they have no chemical interventions, neither in terms of treatments nor fertilisers or anything else.

From these, we obtain delicious jams made from Nero Buono and Bellone, as well as our two pure wines, Capofitto and Piedefermo, made from Greco Moro and Cesanese, respectively.

For us, cultivating is about emanating the beauty of nature.

The Grain

We cultivate Senatore Cappelli grain for a specific reason: it is a variety that requires very few fertilisers and is rich in micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals because the seeds are not subjected to further refining. We enhance the most sun-exposed lands according to the cycles of crop rotation to obtain highly digestible flour and pasta.

Il kiwi responsabile

Coltiviamo i kiwi in maniera non intensiva, senza stimoli, e con una rigorosa razionalizzazione dell’acqua, in modo da avere un prodotto giusto e sostenibile. Coltiviamo il kiwi giallo, prodotto di punta della pianura pontina.